If I could only have one cocktail for the rest of my days (a semi-alarming prospect indeed), it would be a fresh margarita. No mixes, bottled juices, or frozen mumbo jumbo here. Give me my rim salted, my ice cubes large and in charge, and an extra splash of tequila for good luck. When made properly—meaning the recipe ingredients include only fresh juices, liquor, and agave or simple syrup—a margarita is one of the most refreshing, satisfying drinks you’ll taste. Margaritas make me think of sunny, relaxed afternoons outside, long vacations, and nights out with my sisters. They remind me of Taco Tuesdays (and Taco Thursdays) at our favorite Mexican joint in Milwaukee and beaches where I’d like to dig my toes into the sand. I never tire of those feelings, and I certainly never tire of a well-made margarita.

About This Skinny Margarita

Margarita romance runs in our family. They are one of my mom’s favorite drinks, so when she visited Milwaukee last year, I took her out for Taco Thursday, where she requested a “skinny margarita.” I’ve witnessed my mom order a skinny margarita at numerous restaurants on numerous occasions, and unless it’s a drink the restaurant already has on its menu, the server usually doesn’t know what she means (and when asked, she isn’t quite sure herself). For her benefit, our servers’ benefit, and the benefit of margarita drinkers the world over, I did a bit of digging to determine what exactly makes a margarita recipe a skinny margarita recipe. The results of my salt-rimmed research: a skinny margarita is comprised of fresh lime juice, fresh orange juice (in place of the more calorie-laden triple sec), tequila, and agave nectar. The exact ratio of these four ingredients is at your discretion, though most suggested more lime juice than orange juice, equal parts tequila and lime juice, and 2 teaspoons of agave. I like my margarita to bite me back a bit, so I lean heavier on the lime juice and lighter on the agave, which this skinny margarita recipe reflects. Please feel free to adjust the recipe to suit your own margarita needs and preferences.

Recipe Adaptations

This Skinny Margarita recipe is also an excellent base for all sorts of adaptations.

Skinny Jalapeno MargaritaSkinny Blackberry MargaritaSt. Germain Margarita

I used a simple citrus juicer like this one for the original recipe photos, but after upgrading to this one, I’m never going back.Cocktail shakerJigger Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 96Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 68Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 59Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 40Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 16Skinny Margarita  Light and Refreshing     WellPlated com - 50